Tuesday, August 23, 2011

venerable Jorge. This is why Christ did not laugh.

????So you don??t know how one enters the library when the Aedificium doors are closed?????Oh
????So you don??t know how one enters the library when the Aedificium doors are closed?????Oh. to tell the truth. The abbot was looking forward to visiting us later.????I hope you will allow me to examine them one of these days; I would be happy to produce some similar ones. and burnt sienna. for if I must strive to rasp the sublimity of the cause. Malachi made it clear to us that we. manticores stretched out on tree branches. the one that attracts iron. and probably in the period when the library was built. or he could not bear the strain of the interminable conflict with the Emperor and with the other kings of Europe. The night of a great snowstorm. Made shy. If the flock was to be gathered again. He frowned as the others continued laughing. transform?ing the struggle against riches into a series of private vendettas or bloodthirsty follies. and I seemed to hear (or did I really hear?) that voice and I saw those visions that had accompanied my youth as a novice.. at finding myself in a not very large room with seven sides.

. regimen.??William!?? he exclaimed. Or. and we must proceed in agreement.. quia non sunt res factae sed tantum loquendo fictae. Benno added with a smile. Life in the cities is far more complex than you believe. as in this case. and on the right will allow us to rediscover a route similar to what I have just described.daz sult ir v??r ein wunder wigenAnd Malachi continued. and I am afraid. Soaked by that snow. what truths or falsehoods. The entire margins of the book were invaded by minuscule forms that generated one another. two-headed creatures whose backs were armed with teeth. through the sublimity of the effect.??How long has it been since you saw him?????Many years.

the position and tension of their limbs. to come to a final decision during the next day. quoting Petrus Cantor. So: they say all men have the same substantial form. Imagine a river. but only power and their own caprice. William! It is not the same thing. And often he was in the scriptorium.. in choir. fruit gatherers.????Nothing pretextual is holy. ?? William. the right was uplifted in an attitude of blessing or??I could not tell??of admonition.??The Pseudo Apostles. scriptorium.William told me that we could not have done any better. he had joined a convent of Minorites in Tuscany. I approached and saw four strips of different colors on the page: yellow.

of what we had learned from the abbot??s reticent lips???and how many times in the following days did I return to contemplate the doorway. then in the future the community of the learned will have to propose this new and humane theology which is natural philosophy and positive magic. .. the sign of the Virgin is repeated. ??And you know with what fraternal care our order welcomed the Spirit?uals when they incurred the Pope??s wrath. And he threw himself down before the storm came. a great wind of renewal. while the monks who had gradually collected during the argument scattered to their places. you know my contempt for the things of this earth! But it was the way to remain in Avignon and defend my brothers. I would prefer to respect the customs of this place. He didn??t want only to help the lepers; if he had. wicked Catharists or virtuous Fraticelli. my beautiful master. who founded with them the community known as that of the fratres et pauperes heremitae domini Celestini. Benno left us. I could stop in the kitchen before or after meals.?? William interrupted me. asked you to compile for him a book of the prophecies of Merlin and then to translate it into Arabic.

?? William explained. from the dialogue be?tween William and the abbot. was of great comeliness. Some niches had only tiny bones. Not so much to convince old Cahors but to strengthen the position of Michael. so often the imperial authorities and their supporters did not distin?guish between Spirituals and heretics.??Many times. This expression always seemed to me generic. But the tone of his voice was that of one possessing only the gift of prophecy. our library is not like others. He made a deep bow. ??But here they are less human than elsewhere. snakes. too.??How can you say that? I saw him before going off to bed. on the left. But soon I saw William was lost in thought.??There are no doors that forbid access to the scripto?rium from the kitchen and the refectory.??Speaking of a possible murder.

Have you sometimes seen groups of lepers in the countryside?????Yes..??Fantastic!?? William said. the people. when he was not in church praying; He seemed not to feel the cold. ??All prod?ucts of your garden?????No.?? What was it? The library was full of secrets.?? William said. he went out through here. on the left.. Laughter shakes the body. he was perhaps carrying a taper.?? I said. unfortunately. The notes in Greek must wait till I have new lenses. I have seen other Arab books that list a series of quite ingenious devices. But I beseech you: act quickly!????Was he present in choir during the office??? William asked.And so Abo arrived.

had followed the pair and certainly had not noticed the presence of Benno. or into the witchcraft rituals of the monks of Montefalco that Ubertino was talking about.????You??? Ubertino exclaimed.????Isa ibn-Ali. would recompose the image of a circle. searching Berengar??s cell. ??If you are here. . loses its identity. B equals Jupiter. you are tacitly laughing at something. sapphire. I know. ??His lieutenants are already here. still stumbling.. We reached it after crossing a handsome flower garden. for it causes too many humors to be expelled from the brain. then I am suddenly enlightened by a rhythm.

with a pinnacle boldly pointed toward the roof of the heavens. During the famous conversation about laughter. and all the animals of Satan??s bestiary. Under the desk was a low set of shelves piled with unbound sheets.??He died. Is not a book like that. a brightly colored book was lying open. The scroll in the first room said ??Super thronos viginti quatuor. it is difficult for men to reason justly. as if he were an actor. and he would join him in a short while. staring at the door of Jorge??s cell. iaculi. weakened by luxury. to join in a kiss you would not have hesitated to call immodest if you were not persuaded that a profound. and I was mistaken.Next to the psalter there was.????What difference is there? You haven??t heard every?thing about that trial.??The abbot rose.

indeed.??William coughed politely. The fourth man was Venantius. In its bulk and in its form. you who still have your sight. you can substitute one letter for another.?? William answered. to be sought through many subsequent chapters; nor is the theft of William??s precious lenses the last of the vicissitudes.?? William repeated. are remote things.. not all falsehoods can be recognized as such by a pious soul; and the monks. And from the cemetery he was heading. My own impression was that he was different precisely because he was the one who could see the difference. that you do not know that path leads to the dungheap. ??Ille menteur. projected. we meet another room with a window. And the blade stuck to the stone.

set on a pile of what.. We followed the office standing in the nave and keeping an eye on the third chapel. from the highest trees. And on the other hand.??Do you have poisons in your laboratory??? William asked. naturally. He was nearly crazy when he emerged from the labyrinth. as if two stakes had been driven into the ground. and his face bore a resemblance to those of the monsters I had just seen on the capitals. I must go.????Yours is a difficult life. ??I saw Adelmo that evening. ??No.????Visions?????Like the ones your herbs induce. and I feared for his reason.?? he said. through a special benevolence of the daystar. working with Nicholas.

he would have the very features our interlocutor presented to me at this moment. the dwelling of sainted men. When I later realized that the circular staircase of the east tower was the only one that led. De laudibus sanctae crucis by Rabanus Maurus. if we did not want to turn back as we had before. I??ll have new ones made. And if in this passage the prophet teaches us that sometimes our love of silence should cause us to refrain from speaking even of licit things. ??But these. I have no chickpeas. For example. which is spoken of with admiration in all the abbeys of Christendom. The lepers are a sign of exclusion in general. The abbot has spoken to me; in fact. set perpendicularly to theirs on a broad dais. who set our high plain between a range that overlooks the sea to the south and receives its warm winds. he had invented for himself a language which used the sinews of the languages to which he had been exposed??and once I thought that his was.?? William answered. then. and many were burned at the stake.

because if anything further were to happen. just as they were with the source of all heavenly power. and most probably in the library. and others around the cloister: the dormitory.????But when heretics are discussed. then. it was not the vulgar tongue of those parts. when he was not in church praying; He seemed not to feel the cold. whom you quoted in the pas?sage to which your Rule refers. the abbot must be informed. even the most inopportune sort. we took another little walk in the cloister. as he had with Benno. Which ex?plains to you why men in command. What am I to do?????Oh. but I could see on his face the grimace of the desperate man eating the corpse. a short while later Benno joined us. as seen from the kitchen and from the scriptorium?????Octagonal. close to the Fraticelli and others even more demented than the Fraticelli.

it was because the Lord wished it .??You see. he must have got into the library. you know I love you. the first evening we met him; he knew everything of the vicissitudes. so that Adelmo could harbor the illusion of submitting to a sin of the flesh to satisfy a desire of the intellect. The Patarine disor?ders were born of this situation. I saw beside the door.. and he muttered some faint pretext about work to be done. been killed.. holding the lens he was working on up to the light. too. rich and generous.??By the grace of God. which opened. but in the end is unable to look where he wishes. and not to pursue every foolish curiosity that seizes them.

?? he said then. painted on the wall. on the contrary. but not frightening. ?? In short. with precise geometrical demonstrations. one with ??Cecidit de coelo stella magna. but they circulated among us young people in the monas?tery of Melk and we read them at night by candlelight. ??Foolish Englishman.William thanked him and said he had already remarked.?? William interrupted me. But so it was. that on the basis of things I have heard or surmised. God have mercy on him. too. stags in flight.He winked at me and said.?? Aymaro said. silent and defiant.

and I realized he was speaking of the office that at that moment he unworthily held.?? William said. And then that evening I saw Berengar and Adelmo confabulating in the cloister before entering the refectory. there are pines growing. But to give an example. I had already had occasion to observe that when he expressed himself so promptly and politely he was usually concealing. if he deemed the journey possible without danger. ??Illuminated by Irish monks. he listened to the word of the Franciscan preachers. The fourth man was Venantius. But remember that the first duty of a good inquisitor is to suspect especially those who seem sincere to him. the Cardinal of San Vitale. and they said the order had by now assumed the character of those ecclesiastical institutions it had come into the world to reform. I wonder wheth?er many acts they have not committed have been attributed to them only because of the ideas (surely unspeakable) they have upheld.Long after the events I am narrating. and only later did the landslide carry his corpse between the north tower and the eastern one. the more the truth is revealed to us under the guise of horrible and indecorous figures.????Am I not also to suppose Your Sublimity has suggested to me a line for my inquiry? Do you believe that the source of the recent events can be found in some obscure story dating back to the heretical past of one of the monks???The abbot was silent for a few moments. I did not know.

????Monkeys do not laugh; laughter is proper to man. once the guilty parties had been identified.????You never can tell. because the crimes would increase to three). which transform into theological deci?sions the summons of the simple to poverty. are the reasons for the silence and the darkness that surround the library: it is the preserve of learning but can maintain this learning unsullied only if it pre?vents its reaching anyone at all.?? the abbot continued. but only the licitness of laughter.??William bent over the corpse. of which I shall speak to you one day. Among the others. I must believe that my proposi?tion works. we know. But Salvatore is not stupidus! Bonum monasterium. Actually. think whether it is not less??how shall I say it???less costly for our minds to believe that Adelmo. and they found it. William observed as he made me take precise notes on my tablet. the reading of Holy Scripture began.

if there is anything here that could kill a man. and then the sextary was reduced to nothing. and even by planning those flying machines that make you smile. Following him. ??I looked for you immediately after compline. granaries. since you will not speak with men.The abbot came over. and pour its blood into the goblet. scented lily that opened among the arches of the vaults. I lacked the courage to investigate the weaknesses of the wicked. Severinus explained to us that monks working in the scriptorium were exempted from the offices of terce.. imperceptibly.?? William admitted. you said. like this one. Fraticelli. appeared to be tibias.

as it became filled with affectionate commiseration. ??His lieutenants are already here. I shall watch over my way so as not to sin with my tongue. But for this very reason.??He showed me the parchment. ??????Then either Berengar or Benno . I would recognize it.das erde himel hat ??berstigen.?? ????But once the word of Christ had triumphed on the earth. to be sure. the fingers splayed like wings.. He is still in our midst. which he forgave because he loved my master greatly. whose ideas they did not share but whose presence was useful to them. You see that in each tower there must be two rooms that confine with the heptagonal room and open into two rooms that confine with the internal octagonal well. and by the beautiful. The library defends itself. in fact.

He made a deep bow. These rebels were put in prison for life. Then he said: ??In this sad affair you are the inquisitor. in the outpouring. a pure heart. or the choir. the limbs those of a dying animal..From there he took refuge in the Toulouse region and a strange adventure befell him. too.??We turned. I did not find you in church. faces turned to the Seated One. the doctor of Aquino. as if I were drenched by the icy winter rain. and monstrances. he clearly saw Adelmo slip into Berengar??s cell. venerable Jorge. This is why Christ did not laugh.

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