Wednesday, September 1, 2010


Meaning: Free thought

Pansy represents the violet family. The flower got its name from the French 'pensée' that means 'thought'. As the matter of fact Pansy looks like a human face; in the month of August it nods forward looking as being deep in thought. The Pansy can be also called Violet or Pansy Violet.

Pansy may reach the length of 9 inches. This perennial plant's bloom is formed from 2 top petals, two side petals, beards (here three lower petals form the center of the blossom) and 1 bottom petal.

Its diameter is 2-3 inches. The shape of the flower resembles heart, usually with face-like markings in the centre. Violet is available in lemon, golden, and purple, orange, red and deep purple colors. Nowadays one can even come across bi-colored blooms.

Being highly-appreciated for its dainty appearance, this attractive plant is widely used a gardening flower.

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