A rich legendary history has provided the Anemones with plenty of beliefs and medical properties. They say this plant was sprung from the blood of Adonis. Romans used it to prevent fever; it also has been used for skin diseases, bruises and freckles.
Some nations believed that the plant is tainted with evil. Finally Chinese people associated it with death. The name windflower was given firstly due to Pliny's statement that blossoms of these plants are opened by the wind.
Many peoples considered this plant to be very useful in medicine. Anemones have an acrid compound named anemonin which is poisonous but might be used for medical purposes.
Thus some believed the plant was very beneficial to struggle against eyes’ inflammation, skin problems.
According to some authors the plant might be used in venereal pains, tumors of the bones, ulcers from rottenness, in indurate glands, in chronic creeping eruptions, in melancholy and palsies.
Thus, the above statements point out that Anemones and its species possess some medical properties, and before the medical profession windflower could be used for cure.
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