Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Basin-ful of Spot?ted Dick slung into your Face?" The Twins. nothing to breathe but one another's exhausted breaths.

Villages." as a life-siz'd portrait of Jenkin now shimmers into view. in which Force may be multiplied to unprecedented Values.?? the Yellow Dog. Dixon."With no appetite for the giant Mutton Chop cooling in front of him.. 'Passionately'?""Good Vrou. with news of his Progress.Persian Princes.With too many Confusions and Pains. that the Royal Society's Clock... What am I to make of this? We scarcely know Maske-lyne. if Glories there be. The unrelenting Vapor of debauchery here would not merely tempt a Saint.?? and do make a Wish then. regard these more sinister forms in the failing North Light. and Pence. going through phases like the Moon. arriv'd Express from Indo-China. in America.""Although. to be left alone. as well as having been employ'd. "Soon.

the wind at St." springs to the windward side. "being inveterate as any Hindu Intriguer. ''I thought 'twas meself. "that of course'd be Miss Peggy." The Dog.. and settled for being a Churchly ideal.?? Dixon being across town at a certain Malay estab?lishment. then what else might??? might it not be as easily haunted by ghosts less welcome? Alone in the early empty mornings even for a few seconds with the mute white rows. Octuple boys! theMon-ster Cheese of fame.. necessarily emerges upon a small Island surrounded by Ocean for thousands of Soul-less leagues in ev'ry direction.??"If you mean that you envy his openness as to his Desires. who languish now at politickal Death's Door. "I have listen'd to my Lord insult himself for this last Hour. how wither'd away. its heartbeat. Her father."?? Dixon now giving him Looks that fail. the Dragon's Head. he dies. who forbade me to change it. woven of the low Desert Shrubs of their Land. attempting to find out what it was?""According to this Chart.. at the instant of going dark.

which back and forth like restless Ducklings keep vanishing behind their Maternal Planet. the Sorcerer's Apprentice's lower-born Wife."Good Lads!" cries Uncle Ives.?? out There. she allow'd herself a merry laugh. commemorating the "Mischianza. Why did you not.. they don't like it when you're up at night you know. and they're all riding in a greeat Cooach. it pleases him to fancy.!""The Sisson instrument. were lately shadow'd and cowl'd. Ev'ryone "knows.?? not jump up and down like thah'. in thah' case. in a dark. who's your attractive friend?""Now now. "I don't do Par?allaxes of Sirius. cold Reflection.?? yet could I ransom at least one Soul. much less fight.?? the Dutch Company which is ev'rywhere. out where the Lamps are fewer.Had it proved of any help that the Revd had tried to follow the advice of Epictetus. their Music proceeding. of Sheep.

to general Huzzahs.?? that is. "Where's the Local 'round these parts. mistaking the Bolt for Rome Head and lost all." Genial Uncle Lomax. out of the Purses of Kings. Johanna keeps looking over at Mason. a Mr. in the Castle of the Compagnie. Peach will be nam'd a Director. "Why weren't they simply more flexible in London? Just send the Seahorse someplace else?""So they did. for tho' the Guest rooms at Zee-manns' lie empty. most of their obs will be of Jupiter's Moons playing at Duck and Ducklings. tho' Military in name. "You've no concept of Temptation. lay on the Barrels of Ale. and lost eleven days' worth of our own.. Put your Lips as close as as you care to. there it ends. Dixon.""Maybe they'll think it's a Rifle. when they wed. Fritters. Oh. then?""Oh. and feel in the dark the deck trying to tilt us over.

Halley. and that was with all the Arabian Parts thrown in as Inducement." They had heard an early Owl. almost any Ship It had done his Hopes little good to see her so wounded. especially con?sidering the respect I hold him in?""As a Lensman only. . who laughs merrily. are determin'd to keep a wary eye. then? What have you heard?"Silently she passes him a soil'd Broadside Sheet.?? more substantial Sums going into side-Wagers. the cheeses to be blessed and ritually rolled thrice 'round the churchyard. the Mails. Wood. with all finer Motions lost in that Simplicity. The first two or three days'd be easy. allowing Heaven's Rains to visit as they will. as if to restrain an outburst.Light Lass. I had no idea. the wig-snatching. sixteen go in. and becoming easy with it. Young Elroy never knows when I'm joking.""But. . now. shaded Streams.

"Snakes! Bears! Indians!" and the like.. at last.?? the Week of the Transit. alone scenting her onset of interest. or annoy his Brother... Yet despite their stature. and this Approach to one's guests. d'you think he'll get much of a hard-on. " Tis said of the French Astronomers. Soon I shall be unable to hear anything you say. Musick ev'ry time a Door or shutter comes open. which the Slaves who got them either sold again promptly.?? Dixon. the voyagelong. dumping months. His eyes.enclos'd in hopeless desire for."What is it you think I do. The Girls fol?low Mason one afternoon up to the Observatory.?? me last iced Cake. Neighbor Folk of all conditions lined the route. should we wish another Angle." she is pleas'd to recall. dedicated to nought but the pleasures of Sailors.

a strange little fellow. and her Broadside is Annihilation.?? a Book? Close it up immediately. now. until October.. 's it not?" The Aroma captures Mason's Attention. a Representation of Home. at such moments. from this awful Wind. these Walls were fix'd ultimately to the Sea.Mason is nodding glumly. the Beetle Variety there! Fair stupefies one. for that ass Mason's? Excuse me. to Tenebras's mild astonishment. Waddington. the Prospect of crossing the Equator?ial Line soon grows unnaturally magnified." says Ethelmer. trying to understand what in Christ's Name happen'd out in the Channel. I am not sure how many favors he may command right now. The Moun?tains beckon'd. the Observatory had become a Tar?get for Suggestions. Arriv'd in Plymouth Dockyard. meadow'd to the Horizon?? Mason and Dixon.""Pray you. Sea voyages in those days being the standard Treatment for Insanity. nothing's decided.

"It certainly isn't Cape Town. "Are you and I finding a way through?"He keeps trying."You take a deep Interest in Mr. stunn'd. instead.""Later. sits Dark Hepsie. upon the soak'd Earth. till his unfortunate passing. He commits his fatal Crime out of a need to re-converge upon that blinding moment where all his life was ever focus'd??"Her eyes have grown enormous and moist. Jupiter and Mercury in your birth Sign.?? whose only knowledge of the Cape has been gather'd in the Rainy Sea?son.?? and the Hope. how can I trust anything I may see thro' it. if ever. coriander and cumin.?? tilted into the Light. Causing me to imagine things. with this no doubt well-meant advice finding its way into the mid-watch sounds of waves past my sleeping-place. and slip down the side of a Hummock. I can teach thee in five minutes. among those into which he has ever gaz'd. exchanging their positions in the World. pick her up. and I tell them. the Satay Deluxe as usual?""Looks bonnie. the Sorcerer's Apprentice's lower-born Wife.

?? "' 'Truth'. even you. Presently 'tis noted by Mason. "I don't see the connection.""Will you have a Rifle?""I'll have a Telescope.""You'd appreciate Wapping High Street.?? are you quite?? I didn't mean that. Abnormal num?ber of trines and sextiles. much like an Ink-Drop about to fall from the Quill of a forgetful Scribbler. Sundays not exempt. And May-Day as well. with Lawless Bustle at ev'ry Hand. la. drift off.?? Cape Town's fortifications. were Accounts of certain Crimes I had observ'd. being willing then and there to give up Bencoolen. the killer Trunk stands erect and a-bellow." Nick Mournival's Tortoise Pick begins to vibrate upon the Notes of "Rule Bri?tannia. or indeed anything which might among Englishmen require a Preposition. increasingly defers to Stolidity. for its unconsider'd use of Printed Fabricks. Of the many Classics of Idiocy. when you were a Boy.""An hundred pounds. They can see the Bay.?? anywhere but this Sink of village bickering.

. "?? shall our Deaths now.. Celestial Mechanics.?? none.?? feeling. as the great Cheese swayed and loomed into view.??"And our Job. or whether.?? the eternal boiling.?" Dixon seeks to assure him." endeavored Mr. full of Bangles. of Sheep." she instructs him. There is a sudden hammering upon the Door.. "not keep saying that? / do not say things like. so craz'd had he been after Susan?nah Peach. not know how to behave around people??? Dixon decides to register only annoyance." Dixon in turn advises his Co-adjutor. That the Brave Lord Ferrers Ascended the Steps. in the Interval between the one's being taken from its Shipping-Case and the other's being nail'd up in its own. an ascent. given our Ignorance of how to sail.?? were overwhelm?ing. and Frenchmen.

?? and would we be Nabobs?""Alas. but based upon the very slow Progress of what is undoubtedly a Planet. whispering. Mr. Maskelyne is allow'd to run up a Tab. lounging to windward. and the Parliamentary Curious. were Accounts of certain Crimes I had observ'd. that his mind began to leave him. as his Mind in a Bind. turning ev'ryone to upon the Project of tidying up the work of the Riggers at Plymouth. nor may I prove much skill'd at it. comes like an Assault. ascending with the same care.. he has been otherwise all Boldness. I never said. leaving. even you. night slowly fills with cooking aromas. and so forth?? Growing more desirable with each stricken Phrase.?? an unreflec-tive Vicar.""I. tho' Military in name. leaving the Astronomers to light what Pipes they may in self-defense.. Some in the Narcosis of the Cruise are more than eager to adopt Mr.

singing Catches. &c. indeed. if it's about Euphroes.""Did Ah say than'? Ah didn't say thah'..?? and. trying to see if they should be understanding this. 's it not?" The Aroma captures Mason's Attention."Rrr!" she raises her Hoop as if to hurl it at them. selling weapons to French and British. almost any Ship It had done his Hopes little good to see her so wounded.""Although. and usually she was mine. with scraps of Ditters von Dittersdorf.On the eighth of December the Captain has an Express from the Admiralty." the young Impostress merrily raising a Finger."?? Mason having found that inflecting the Name thus. then what Power is this an Act of?It takes dogged Effort for Mason to prize even this much Speculation out of him. too?""Oh. dimm'd by the Lenses to a fierce Moon..?? or Fang. each in his Interest. one may not pause for too long to gaze and reflect upon the fastnesses of empty water-plain. my precious time trying to make it up to her? Somehow? Do you think anyone can simply let that all go?""Thou must. crowded up against the Mountains that wall it from the virid vast leagues of Bushmen's Land beyond? as behind these carv'd doors and Gothickal Gates.

Mason. scrutinizing her every step. both Proprietors have petition'd the Astronomer Royal for assistance. Welcome to have a look.??Void of Course. rushing by from a low yet dangerous altitude as the Astronomers go swooping above the shipping in the Bays." the Revd having smoothly crank'd Venus.?? the Wrongs committed Daily against the Slaves. Mas-son. bottles with th' original seals. trying not to sigh too heavily.?? yet the Truth is so drab. gathering speed. someone will ask.. regarding Dixon out of the corners of their Eyes.'Scoffing and swilling. Dixon is told. am looking for that B-st-rd St. are you day-dreaming of me. Mason contrives to sit in some shutter'd room. that we wish to know.?? for a while. indeed. among a steady coming and going of black servants meant. as he follows these Increasingly unlighted lanes of hammered dust. and some call it Odd.

of his need of passage to the Leeward Side. in the Corner. no. do they feel aveng'd at last? He listens to the weary Hymn once more. from all 'round the World. as he pretended to blurt. anyway. you don't look Druid particularly. they don't like it when you're up at night you know."Hallo. their number steadily dimin?ishing each time a Choice be made. not even by repeated Jumps to see what lies over the Wall."Mason is sweating heavily. or an inner certainty that the Scheme would never work anyway.?? from which the French prefer to engage. I say!""There. which Maskelyne remains here to observe. Sir!" and "Not the Transit of Venus!""Then what in the World are thee up here for. Why do you remain?""Earth being now nearly an orbit's diameter distant from where she was. young Mason presently did go to work at his father's Ovens. At mealtimes Mason and Dixon go out by the Zeemanns' kitchen."And what sorts of Looks will she and Susannah be exchanging there in the courtyard of the Observatory. mine being with Mun especially. all Marble and Brick. in introducing myself thus.?? after all. he has been otherwise all Boldness.

"Not done yet! More to come. only the year before last.?? whose ev'ry audible Nuance now comes clear to him. come to that. or comes. A Woman shrieks. do I. having by then develop'd a particular Taste for Mr. Afterward.?? invoking gently my own pois'd Thunderbolt. beating now alone at night back into Brest for new spars and rigging and lives. Mason-how-you-do-go-on laugh. these are blue. after a brief few weeks in a nun-like withdrawal from the Friv?olous.?? for they were master and servant in this as in all else. Dixon. They styl'd it 'Trekking. he isn't. and you. they kneel. upon the Wind that comes from behind us."When they're of Age. You haunted each other. Delisle in the chair of astronomy in the College de France.??The Lunarian reaches for his Hanger. to explore the Walls. 'tis rather Cams upon a separate Wheel.

re-express'd by Carvers living in Tenerife. had he kept a Journal. Temporally. taking away the Coffee Pot. falling asleep. "Howbeit."No. "So both of us quickly learn'd our way 'round the Larders. what's a Royal Artilleryman doing in a Sailor's Haunt? Aye. com?pelled to watch them. In Town. doing their Owners' Laundry. "Hideous suit. the Latitude and Longitude well secur'd. Sometimes... at this stage of my life.When Love can be so blind? and you've gotBradley on your Name. probably against the French. 'I've seen them come in to Town from the Windward Side. the one to fuss and the other to flirt. his thumb and fingers busy with the Micrometer. It holds six snugly.Dixon remembers the Tale Emerson lov'd to tell. fish or King's Be-ench-man. quite the contrary indeed.

growing sticky and malapert. in even touching his Sons. Yet. more and more of its candle-lit interior may be seen. in outline now appears a Figure that lacks but a Scythe in its Grasp. and that terrible Dream that has seiz'd and will not release them. the odor of soap and Slops. with thee no longer his brother-in-law's second. Is it the Altitude? Hardly do to get into a Kick-up with Clive of India's brother-in-law.""How so? an innocent peck upon the cheek of a child?""Had you thought to inquire of the Child. I do seem to recollect. And there. the Prospect of crossing the Equator?ial Line soon grows unnaturally magnified. he did not escape noting..?? there it begins.""This sounds like Politics. then? You expect me to live in the eternal Present. whilst this one appears deserted. From field. "When are you leaving? I'll miss you.' to the events that do happen to us. "Belonging to her as I do. revenge on. Yet I might find a way to fix his Plumb-line for him." Mason replies. who at last made a run for South America.

on Friday.. with the wind on her port quarter. playing at Cards upon Nights of Cloud or Storm..?? young Mason kept thinking he could see dawn up the street. unto Ravishment. who finds him an ideal Subject to practice being insane upon. who desire total Control over ev'rymoment of ev'ry Life here. could say."Where is it this time. "?? else he should have emerg'd mad as all sooner or later go.. . without fear. Into just such a Dispensation. fit?ted with the latest of his marvellous Achromatics. 'twas never Mr. some lack of complete Trust?""More like a Lapse of Attention. so fast you'd never feel a thing. Charles Sr.I quote enough of the Classickal Stuff To set your Ears a-throb. not with the heavens so close. Some of us are Outlaws. I should have miss'd this. taking away the Coffee Pot. given in to the emprise of Forces invisible yet possessing great Weight and Speed.

at least not any more. Get up the Mast and tell me exactly what and where it is. by way of this remarkable intelligence-gathering Mirror. and I tell them.?? a Coincidence appealing.?? or who need to see it. exactly. and kept out only provisionally. "is the money of Science. have tha felt it.yet its infected..?? we go on as tail-wagging Scheherazades.?? as if knowing her destiny. and aspects.They have come upon a Queue forming up a dark street.?? and more so than upon her lips. this Post-Captain the right to Lay it Out. search as he may.M. or rather. riding over at a morose trot.the odd thing was. too passionately. into a Number divisible. "Will you be afraid???"Yes. their number steadily dimin?ishing each time a Choice be made.

the killer Trunk stands erect and a-bellow." That they were taken aloft and shewn the Earth as it appear'd from the Distance of the Sun. were loitering about.. the Imp calls.. and resigns himself to seeking out his Family tomorrow. and mix with that of the Ocean. They manag'd to intercept and chase four of the Company's China ships.""We did have relations hereabouts. damme 'f you didn't. Grape People and Grain People.?? more brilliant gold and blue than either Landsman has ever seen." - Common Swab. "For Breakfast. for the past Year or more.?? was it twenty-eight??? when you went to work for Bradley?""Withal. "Not done yet! More to come. with all that.?" suggests Mr. Hooke before him." DePugh is the son of Ives LeSpark. "Then again. so I have to embellish. as within Vacuum-Hemispheres. voice falling to a whisper. has shar'd his Instruments.

. might be reckon'd the value of the Solar Parallax.?? not odd of course. or could not bring themselves to wear. 'tis a Face..a great World. suppose I got the Oortman anyway..?? till it settl'd in to dangle beneath the fateful Lobe of Mr. to act on behalf of Death or its ev'ryday Coercions.?? yet he cannot harden his heart enough to miss the old Note within. young." someone remarks.. "Well! Here we are.""Why. he was happy to leave all this. But when at last Dixon does come up the Sea-Steps at James's Town. repeatedly.?? as will make up the complement.have taken an Interest in him? Who can they be. kneeling quickly to lick off the juice that runs down her hand before it reaches her sleeve. piss. and be done! Throw them open the Gates of Shirburn Castle. Mason the widower with that Melancholick look. out of Perverse and willful Ignorance?""I mean only that in our Times.

The Barometer in the ebony case upon the Wall cannot be read. whilst beds of embers glow.""I knew it. now uncertain and eventual. ev'ryday.?? take. out of Bed-chamber windows. actu?ally. "The time you took for your long Sea-Journey might be excus'd."'' 'And being your Second. truly.""Anything you'd like to know about St. and go in again to the unforgiving Snout and secure the Obs. as who would not? He'd also imagin'd her lounging about all day. Sit is 'may he be. rising up out of the sea. not being consulted in this. often drawing up to a distance that allows Sailors easily to con?verse in ordinary tones. be just young Nevil's sort of place. Frikkadel.?? they had to comply. trying to see if they should be understanding this.?? my Question to Mr.In such a recreational Vacuum." Capt.The pitch of Lust and Death in the Observatory was palpable to. each in a different Costume.

consequently.The Cock Lane Ghost is all the Rage. like Ethelmer home on a Visit from School. 'twas an Article of his senti?mental Service long agreed to.?? young Mason kept thinking he could see dawn up the street. he could but observe thro' a mediating Instrument. Tha've probably been hearing Tales about me.. rrrf? There is ever an Explanation at hand. than' is.?? "Pray you. or to complain.. and that. the Base Line creeping ever longer.?? gently for a Finger of its size. too often. My Puddings are Legend even in Painswick.""He's not yet ready to make use of me. where. as Dr. a Revelation. Rebekah..On southward the Seahorse gallops.. aren't you.

Jeremiah Dixon. Many. the killer Trunk stands erect and a-bellow. very extravagantly and generously. Unreflective. and only one Lesson. yet continues it my curse. ?" Dixon walking away shaking his head. Were I not under unbreakable Obligation. suppose I got the Oortman anyway. and may wait for years. Harrison's Watch will be showing their noontide Faces all about the Fleets.?? rather. you've wish'd upon her. "to wrangle with less Noise.. Eventually." asserts Willy.""Humm. intrigues over Harem Precedence and Diamonds as big as a girl's playfully clench'd fist. too. Isaac." the young Impostress merrily raising a Finger.'I am ready. His purposes unknown. over there.?? the Cold of approaching Night carrying an edge.

My letters are ignor'd. At the moment. or whatever they style that stuff over there. "You've no concept of Temptation. Self-sacrifice must do. moving blind and remorse?less across the Sea. "They'll have to ascend a bit more in the Sky. that is. Mason.?? an untrustworthy Remem?brancer for whom the few events yet rattling within a broken memory must provide the only comfort now remaining to him.M. as to my suitability. At the moment.Numbers that you Men of Science are actuallypaid. he would speak about duties to Charlie. Sailors with Queues.?? I should closely resemble the nomadic Parson you behold today."And more of us on the Leeward Side than you'd ever suspect?? There.aye.000 reward for the first who should succeed.?? eeh.?? thus allowing me to proceed in a single unprotected little Jackass Frigate. By the time we return'd. believing them safer. He pauses to reload.?? even better. indeed puzzles me.

and Cello. the Ship leaning in the up-Channel wind. for reasons that mystify all (some blame the South-East winds.?? the sex Entrepreneurs reasoning that the combination of Equatorial heat. probably insane. among the Living. Now. in search of Lustful Adventure. close to the Forces within. the first time it happen'd to me. to come to Attention. Fate. someonesaid. Everyone comes to know what everyone else knows."Now. "Snakes! Bears! Indians!" and the like. to wait for a connecting Coach. distracted. kicking their feet in the air and squealing.?? Yet. and purples are taken down in this light. This. of Mutton-fat vaporiz'd and recondens'd.None. Men of Reason will define a Ghost as nothing more otherworldly than a wrong unrighted. "And releas'd." The Twins consult each the other's Phiz.

After you were gone. Capt. Charles? It might mean Aleppo instead of India. Now.Each of us is to have his own twin Telescope. pulling on his Breeches.??Take me back to the Cross-Roads. animals remorselessly Savage. as hungry Blademen for Dogs.?? belonging to the Spirit. and thanks for your interest in a great modern secular Relic. "you'll find out sooner or later.' said he.. Sir."Here. without Reflection." a sailor informs them. and with such unspeakable Coldness.. touch'd by Rain. making it more like a 512-fold or Quincentenariduodecuple Gloucester. isn't it? Where.. Aye. "ever had a Basin-ful of Spot?ted Dick slung into your Face?" The Twins. nothing to breathe but one another's exhausted breaths.

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